FREE VIRTUAL CONCERT! Emmet Cohen Trio on Dec 17

“As he strides through Fats Waller with his left hand while his right is tossing off shimmering passages conjuring up Duke Ellington, Earl Hines, and Art Tatum, Emmet Cohen would be the first to acknowledge he hasn’t bested these heavyweights….but by deciding to play ball, he surely honors what they

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Litchfield Jazz has great things in store this Fall and Winter

Litchfield Jazz is excited to announce two new programs expanding OUR jazz education and performances.  Inspired by the success of this summer’s VIRTUAL programs, Litchfield Jazz Camp Virtually Yours! and the 25th anniversary Litchfield Jazz Fest- live streamed from Telefunken Soundstage, we are launching our very first year-round programming. ARTS—LITCHFIELD

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Save The Date, Jazz & Friends is BACK – May 3

This summer marks the 25th anniversary of the Litchfield Jazz Festival.  The lead up to it will begin with a fundraising gala for Litchfield Jazz Camp scholarships. On May 3, Litchfield Jazz will bring back its popular Jazz & Friends fundraiser party, this time at a South Kent estate.  The

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