There are many ways you can help make the Litchfield Jazz Festival a continued success.



Your tax-deductible gift of any amount helps keep our programs alive. We invite your renewed support — please respond generously!

Find out how to Donate



Become a Litchfield Jazz Fest Volunteer! We can’t make this festival happen without you.

Volunteer now



Its time to celebrate “one of the best jazz festivals in the nation” (Hartford Courant) by adding your name to the top-flight businesses who stand behind The Litchfield Jazz Festival.

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Become a Sponsor

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor of the Litchfield Jazz Festival or Camp, please call the office at 860-361-6285 or email

©2009-2016 Litchfield Performing Arts, Inc. | A Not-for-Profit Dedicated to Changing Lives through the Arts