Save The Date, Jazz & Friends is BACK – May 3
This summer marks the 25th anniversary of the Litchfield Jazz Festival. The lead up to it will begin with a fundraising gala for Litchfield Jazz Camp scholarships. On May 3, Litchfield Jazz will bring back its popular Jazz & Friends fundraiser party, this time at a South Kent estate. The
2016 Artist Spotlight: Nicole Zuraitis
Date Posted: Jun 28, 2016 – “Zuraitis has a voice that has been called ” hard to ignore… (with) remarkable range… you can’t help but stop and take notice” Growing up in the Litchfield Jazz Camp family, it was very difficult to choose only one mentor, because each faculty member
“Generations of Jazz”: Meet the Stars – Nicole Zuraitis
Date Posted: May 18, 2016 – To celebrate 20 years of Litchfield Jazz Camp, this summer’s festival lineup showcases successful artists who, back in the day, were Litchfield Jazz Campers. They will each feature a mentor who made a lasting impact on their music. We’d like you to get to